Sketchbook Practice
Do you ever get scared you are going to mess up your sketchbook? Me too!
I’m the first to admit I can get overly precious about my sketchbooks. I have grand plans about having themes for each sketchbook or working solely in one medium in a sketchbook. I start getting anxious I’m going to “mess up” my plans, and lo and behold I end up not creating anything. I suspect I’m not alone with this quandary.
I finally made a deal with myself….just use the dang sketchbook, and if I wanted to compile the “good” stuff later into its own journal I could. What ended up happening is I just started using the sketchbook because I had an “out” in my brain for when things went wrong.
Since the pandemic started, and we went into quarantine, I’ve been taking a lot of online classes, mostly from Skillshare. Using my sketchbook to keep track of progress has helped a ton!
Favorite Sketchbooks
My favorite sketchbooks are the Cason Mixed Media, because I work in watercolor, gouache, and also with pen and ink. It holds up well for all of these, and they are not expensive, so I feel like I’m not wasting paper. I try to get them when they are buy one-get one free at Michaels.
I use my sketchbooks for a lot of things, for example,
Learning a new skill ( I love Skillshare classes!!! You can try out 2 free months using this link)
Fleshing out an idea
Trying a new technique
Formulating a plan of action
Passing the time
Documenting what I see
Below are some examples of a few pages of my sketchbook. There are all sorts of messy pages as well, with scribble and notes. Using a sketchbook is such an important practice!
With kids at home doing remote learning, getting out to sketch by myself is a very rare treat. Getting to set up on a sunny day, while drinking tea and sketching is Usually I sketch or practice in those moments when I’m supposed to be doing something else (like starting dinner or switching laundry) and I get an idea that needs room to explore the page.
What about you? What are your best practices for using a sketchbook?
I’d love to hear in the comments below :)
Happy sketching!!